WALK ME HOME                     
AREAS OF INTEREST   •  Motion Graphics, Image Editing, Hand-Lettering, Typography, Videography
TOOLS   •  Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Lightroom
INFO   •  Walk Me Home by searows is one of my favorite songs, so I felt inspired to create a partial, 1-minute animated lyric video in its honor. Comprised of the simple, gentle strumming of acoustic guitar chords layered with the soft timbre of the singer's crooning voice, this song is defined by its intimacy and rawness, so I tried to capture that the best I could with paper textures, screenprinting effects, and hand-lettered type. 
I used a handful of intimate and personal videos I recorded to mirror the song's lyrics and used many different image-editing apps and textures on each image to create a unique, organic look. I lowered the frame rate, extracted each frame to edit and color individually, and then strung together each image frame-by-frame. 8 fps felt apropos to create a stop-motion effect, as if each picture was actually screen printed and animated together.
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