AREAS OF INTEREST   •  Book Design, Screenprinting, Typography, Logo Design, Poster Design, Prose Writing
TOOLS   •  Illustrator, Risograph Machine, Photoshop, Indesign, Photography
INFO   •  ​​​​​​​In this project, I was inspired to identify a social issue I cared about, create a fake brand dedicated to solving the issue, and create other graphic collateral to expand the brand idea. The social issue I chose was global warming, particularly how it affects ocean and coral reefs, and the collateral I chose was a zine. I printed the book entirely on risograph on recycled paper, which turned out to be a very difficult and lengthy process. However, I wanted to ass a personal and textural touch to my zine, and the risograph's slight registration misalignment gave each copy its own distinct look and feel.
My process began with 100 logo sketches I made in pursuit of a logo for my brand.
I then rendered a few of my ideas in illustrator to explore which would translate well digitally, and kept refining and iterating.
This is the final logo I chose for my brand, entitled Save Our Coral (or SOC) The image depicts a fish sliced inside, the negative space symbolizing how climate change is affecting the oceans and the marine life that resides within it.
I then began to sketch out ideas for an informational poster that ties in with my brand idea, intended to catch the eye of the audience and direct them to a website to get involved.
Then I experimented with different ideas for my final digital render; these two posters developed on my idea of a fish made out of trash, but I felt they were ineffective.
This is the final poster I decided on. It uses trash to depict a fish skeleton, but it's a bit more clean and minimal than other posters I experimented with. I also liked the idea of using the amazon bag logo as a frown, which felt very topical and apt to my poster idea.
We then created Narrative content intended to capture our audience's attention and inform them. I chose the topic of radical hope in climate change; most people I know are already relatively well informed about climate change, but feel hopeless to stop it, so I wanted to create a zine that informs people that it's not to late to stop climate change, and having hope is the best way to contribute to solving the problem. Here are my initial sketches for the pages.
These are the finalized digital pages of my zine, entitled "it's not too late." I created it with the intention of printing it on a risograph machine, so my color palette was limited. I wrote it myself, and designed the additional graphics to make a zine I felt like people would be interested in reading. After, I printed out my book on the risograph machine.
I then printed out my book on the risograph machine, trimmed the pages, and bound them together to create a physical zine.
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