AREAS OF INTEREST   •  Web Design, Interaction Design
TOOLS   •  HTML, CSS, Javascript, Illustrator
INFO   •  ​​​​​​​For this project, I designed a website to depict an interview I conducted with my friend Colin, who is from Singapore. I wanted to ask about his perspective on surveillance capitalism and discuss its repercussions on our rights and privacy in America as an ex-pat. Singapore is a country renowned for its use of heavy surveillance, so I thought Colin might bring an alternate perspective to this issue. We discussed many topics throughout this interview, and it created this complex web of connected ideas and themes that I thought would be best represented in a ring I rendered in three.js that ends where it starts. All of these topics circle back to one another,  so this felt like an appropriate way to illustrate that idea.
My site has two modes of interactivity: reading mode and viewing mode. Viewing mode is the default, which gives an at-a-glance perspective of what the entire ring looks like, and enables users to explore with the 3D Model and the camera. Reading mode locks the user into a close perspective of the ring for legibility and enables users to scroll through the text at will.  Each time a user clicks on a topic, the ring will scroll to the next mention of that topic in our interview, which reinforces the aforementioned themes of the website and allows users to explore when different topics are brought up and how they connect with each other.  
Above are some screenshots of the code I used to create my website. I employed the use of a lot of three.js forums and edited the code and controls to fit my vision for my site.
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